5 Steps to an Authentic and Effective Self-Image

Your self-image is the way you view yourself. You might view yourself as a parent, construction worker, friend, blonde, sports fan, intelligent, impatient, and middle-aged. But you’re more than your career, gender, and age. You’re more than your parents’ opinion. You’re a unique person with nuances that are unique to you! When who you are […]

I demonstrate my leadership skills each day.

Leadership skills are important so I make them a priority in my life. There are countless opportunities to practice my leadership skills at home, work, and during the other parts of my life. Practice is the key to mastering any skill, so I practice being a leader regularly. Those that lead think differently from those […]

7 Simple Ways To Make Your Life More Productive

7 Simple Ways to Make Your Life More Productive Time is the one factor that no one can beat. No one can create time. Everyone is limited to 24 hours each day. You can only make the most of the time you have each day. How well do you use your time? How much do […]