I am admired by others.

I have many excellent qualities that others find admirable. These qualities include my intelligence, compassion, assertiveness, and sense of adventure. Being admired by others fills me with confidence and gratitude. I am working hard at improving myself and enjoy the process. Being admired is merely icing on the cake. On occasion, someone might make a […]

7 Daily Habits of Outstanding Leaders

Super Boss Be the Boss Everyone Wants While Accelerating Your Career

Super Boss: Be the Boss Everyone Wants While Accelerating Your Career Introduction Being a great boss is part skill and part art. If you’re a great boss, your employees will love to work for you. Most importantly, being a great boss is one of the best ways to accelerate your career. Being a good boss […]

I stand up for myself in all circumstances.

Although there are many people who stand up for me, I am my main advocate. I treat myself with respect because I am worth fighting for. Each time I stand up for myself, it becomes a little bit easier. By being assertive, I am able to build meaningful relationships. As I meet life’s challenges, I […]

Become a Better Leader: 4 Steps to Boost Your E.Q.

Most of us think of a leader as someone with a great deal of education and experience in a certain area. While knowledge and experience are important qualities, one’s ability to communicate and work well with others is just as important to being an effective leader. Having a high degree of emotional intelligence (E.Q.) allows […]

4 Steps to Increase Your Leadership Skills

When most of us hear the word leadership, we usually think of political officials, CEOs, military commanders, or even athletes. While it’s true that you need good leadership skills to excel at these occupations, leadership is a valuable skill that everyone from any vocation or background can use for their benefit and the benefit of […]

Position Yourself as a Leader in 20 Minutes or Less

Positioning yourself as a leader will make your work more meaningful and advance your career. You can gain influence based on your title, or on knowledge and skills you already possess. While it could take years to climb the ladder up into senior management, tapping into your personal strengths is something you can start doing […]

How to Lead With Courage

When we think of leaders, we might be tempted to think of courageous and heroic figures. The leader is the person at the vanguard of the army, leading the charge and taking the brunt of any enemy attacks. That’s what it means to be a leader in comic books and films after all! Of course, […]

Copy These 5 Communication Skills From Top Leaders

Do you struggle with communicating effectively? Communication is a key part of success at work or in other parts of your life. Top leaders have practiced and mastered the skills that enable them to communicate so well. Luckily, you too can learn these same skills! Follow these strategies to practice essential communication skills: 1. Learn […]

Top 10 Critical Competencies of Great Leaders

Great leaders share many common traits. Though criteria for leadership in the workplace can vary from company to company, the majority of effective leaders exemplify certain skills. By focusing on developing these same skills, you can take your leadership abilities to the next level. Develop the important traits necessary to become a great leader: 1. […]