I pursue my goals assertively and enthusiastically

I pursue my goals assertively and enthusiastically. My goals are meaningful and exciting to me. My goals keep my energy level high and fill me with optimism for the future. I know when I have set an appropriate goal, because I pursue that goal with great enthusiasm. An uninspiring goal is rarely achieved. When I […]

I am strong enough to let others know what I need

I am strong enough to let others know what I need. Part of my strength is my ability to speak out and make my wishes known. I speak out in a way that is gentle, but assertive. I am strong enough to let others know what I need. My needs are important, and I am […]

I am assertive at work

I am assertive at work. At my job, I carry myself with confidence because I know I am a valuable employee. The superior quality of the work I produce reflects the intense passion I put into everything I do. I am able to fearlessly speak up for myself because I have earned the right to […]

I feel comfortable saying “no” to others.

Whether I am dealing with my co-workers, friends or family members, I strive to be honest and assertive about my feelings. Stating how I feel and clarifying my wants or needs occasionally involves saying “no” to others. I am comfortable with this. I am confident that it is acceptable for me to decline to do […]