5 Ways to Be Assertive and Say “No”

Do you find it difficult to be assertive and say “no” to people’s requests? Since there just aren’t enough hours in the day to appease everyone, the art of saying “no” without hurting the feelings of others is an important skill to acquire. Saying “no” doesn’t mean you have to be rude about it. There […]

Becoming a More Assertive Person

Many people confuse assertiveness with aggression. There isn’t anything wrong or aggressive about open and honest communication when done appropriately. You’re merely clarifying your needs to another person. * Assertiveness is being able to express your feelings while still respecting the feelings of others. Benefits of Assertiveness Assertiveness is an important skill that can greatly […]

Relationship Matters Smart Ways to Be Assertive

Relationship Matters Smart Ways to Be Assertive Q: I’m getting increasingly frustrated with my wife, Nancy. She somehow seems to be tricking me into getting what she wants, regardless of the situation. Even though I’ve always thought we did a decent job of talking to each other, I’m beginning to wonder what on earth is […]

My assertive attitude opens doors for me

My assertive attitude opens doors for me. Opportunities are appearing right before my eyes, even in the least likely places. Doors are opening for me to realize the dreams I have dared to imagine. I am taking steps of faith, confidently knowing that I have what it takes to make things happen. While others look […]

My courage is stronger than my fear.

I act assertively and decisively because my courage easily overpowers my fear. I sometimes feel fear, but I refuse to allow it to control me. I permit my intellect to take control and override my fear. I understand that it is common to experience fear on occasion. I dominate my fear and take the appropriate […]