Release Your Assertive Side and Get What You Want More Often

Release Your Assertive Side and Get What You Want More Often Assertiveness is an important part of communication. When you’re assertive, you’re standing up for yourself while respecting others. It’s also an excellent way to enhance your self-esteem and self-respect. The inability to be assertive suggests that part of you doesn’t believe you’re deserving of […]

7 Tips to Increase Your Social Intelligence

Social intelligence is a new science that explores and explains various phenomena, from the way we connect with others, how we make friends, to how we influence others. Social intelligence is more valuable than pure intelligence in many ways. Those with a high level of social intelligence tend to be very successful, even with an […]

7 Disadvantages of Aggressiveness

You may know a few aggressive people that seem to do well for themselves, but they could be doing even better. Aggressiveness works, to a point, because most people avoid confrontation. However, confrontational people are disliked and suffer in many other ways. Aggressive people often find themselves alone, disrespected, and unable to reach the highest […]

Are You Being Assertive or Selfish Discover the Difference

Are You Being Assertive or Selfish? Discover the Difference In the fine art of finesse, you get much better results when others perceive you as being assertive rather than selfish. Either way, you’re letting others know what you want or need, so why is there such a difference? Assertiveness is a positive quality that makes […]