5 Self-Assertiveness Strategies to Help You Reclaim Your Domain

As you seek success in your business, love life, or any other venture, it helps to take stock of your level of self-assertiveness. Assertiveness is the ability to honestly express yourself without undue self-doubt or anxiety. If others think they can walk all over you, they tend to view you in a negative light. While […]

Top 5 Ways to Be Assertive and Confident

Self-help books fly off the shelves of bookstores. They’re the most common books on request at libraries. From business people to housewives, people are looking for ways to improve their lives, and the most sought after self-help books are those on how to be assertive and confident. During job interviews, potential employers look for essential […]

How to Become More Assertive in Social Situations

Assertiveness is one of those things that some people seem to be naturally good at, while others simply aren’t. If you’re not, people can tell you to “just be more assertive” till they’re blue in the face, but it won’t help. Why? Because they’re not telling you how to go about it! Once you find […]

Building Your Childs Self Confidence

Building Your Child’s Self-Confidence Self-confidence is one of those character traits that ensures a child will develop into an emotionally healthy, assertive adult. However, because your children attend school with their peers, they’re exposed to numerous incidents of peer pressure every day, which can challenge their self-confidence. So, what’s a parent to do? Although some […]