I am a strong leader.

I am a magnificent leader, motivated and skilled in leading my team to victory. I enjoy being in charge and helping others while I inspire them to do their best. I am a powerful leader. I can take command of any situation. Those around me admire my leadership skills. They are eager to follow me. […]

8 Myths About Self Employment

8 Myths About Self-Employment Do you dream of being self-employed, but feel like you don’t have the money, knowledge, or skills to get a business going? Your concerns might be unfounded – and grounded in some of the common myths about self-employment. Imagine being able to increase your income and have a more flexible schedule. […]

4 Steps to Selling Yourself as the Right Person for the Job

Imagine finally being able to latch onto that dream job you’ve been wanting forever! It’s possible, and a lot if it relies on your ability to sell yourself, especially in an interview. Being selected for the job requires finding a way to show the employer why you’re the best candidate. It can be a little […]

The Modern Rules for Rebuilding Trust after You’ve Been Laid Off

A recent study found that workers who’ve been laid off are less willing to trust others, and those doubts can linger for ten years or more even after starting a new job. It’s sobering news considering the recent recession that made redundancy a household word. If you lost your job or just value a workplace […]

7 Ways to Combat Work Stress

Even if you’ve discovered your dream job, you’re not immune from work stress from time to time, simply because everything in life doesn’t always go perfectly according to plan. Whether you’re battling work stress every day or just once in awhile, there are some effective techniques you can use to relieve it. Learning healthy ways […]

How to be Be in Tip Top Shape for Work: Sharpen Your Mind the Night Before

A rough day at work can really wreak havoc on the rest of the week. It’s so easy for one day’s happenings to make you feel incapable of successfully carrying out your duties for the days that follow. The good news is that there’s a fix! You can actually come out of a bad day […]

How to Succeed at Virtual Job Fairs

You’re probably used to job fairs where you walk through row after row of booths staffed by recruiters, and collect free pens with company names. Today, the scene is changing. Virtual job fairs allow you to hunt for opportunities without leaving home, but you may need to update your approach. Study these tips before you […]

What Every Job Seeker Needs To Know About Evaluating An Employment Offer

What Every Job Seeker Needs to Know About Evaluating an Employment Offer After a long and frustrating job search, you may be so excited to receive an offer that you’ll be tempted to jump on it immediately. That could be a decision you’ll regret. Giving yourself time for careful evaluation will increase the chances that […]

Learn To Handle Salary Discussions With Confidence

Learn to Handle Salary Discussions With Confidence The most challenging part of a job interview for many candidates is the question of salary. Being able to discuss money matters with confidence will help you get the compensation you want and may even improve your job satisfaction. These are some steps to take before you get […]