Job Search Takes Longer Than Expected

What Will You Do When Your Job Search Takes Longer Than Expected? Most recruiters today advise their clients that the average search for a professional position lasts about 6 months. That figure can even be much longer for certain industries or older job seekers. Dealing with such an extended period of uncertainty and rejection is […]

What Will You Do When Your Job Search Takes Longer Than Expected?

Most recruiters today advise their clients that the average search for a professional position lasts about 6 months. That figure can even be much longer for certain industries or older job seekers. Dealing with such an extended period of uncertainty and rejection is hard on your self-esteem and peace of mind. You may also face […]

25 Ways to Lead Others

25 Ways to Lead Others Do you consider yourself a leader? Or wish you were a leader? Leaders have to inspire those around them while remaining strong. Uncertainty and difficult situations do not stop leaders from taking charge. Leaders use many strategies to lead others. Using these techniques will aid you in your endeavor to […]

How to Prepare Yourself for Going Back to School

School can be an intimidating place sometimes, but you can make it far less scary by being prepared. Whether you’re a teenager facing a foreign environment or an adult who’s returning to college, it can be unnerving. Luckily, it doesn’t need to be a harrowing endeavor. You can prepare yourself for the educational experience so […]

How to be a Productive Night Owl

Does the early bird get the worm? Maybe. But there is a lot to be said for staying up late, too. Some people do their best work after everyone else has gone to sleep. Night owls get a bad rap for being lazy slackers, but those late-night hours can be some of the best for […]

Learn to Write an Effective Self-Assessment and Boost Your Career

At some point in your career, your employer is probably going to ask you to write a self-assessment. It’s a routine part of the annual evaluation process at many companies. Consider the benefits of this important tool and master the strategies for evaluating yourself effectively. Benefits of Writing an Employee Self-Assessment 1. Feel more confident. […]

A 10 Minute Guide to Brushing Up Your Management Skills

Maybe you dream about moving up into a management position. You’ll soon find that many employers are seeking all the traditional hard skills along with more intangible qualities. The good news is that most of these capabilities are things you can learn with practice. Take a look at what qualifications you need to advance to […]

13 Tips to Make Your Next Networking Event a Success

You know that networking is vital for your career, but you may still be hesitant to attend networking events. Maybe you’ve had your share of expensive conferences that seemed like a waste of time. Maybe you’re wondering if LinkedIn and other social media are enough on their own. The truth is that face to face […]

How to Have an Effective Conversation With Your Boss

Trying to talk to your boss can be uncomfortable and awkward. But if you know the right way to approach your superiors, you can survive the encounter and even thrive in your workplace. Effective communication with your boss is essential for many reasons. If you want to ask for a raise or talk about another […]

12 Rules To Increase Your Productivity

12 Rules to Increase Your Productivity Does your productivity ever get hampered by your desire to find the best possible solution? As you seek the easiest or fastest route to your goal, you may find yourself stopped entirely. Sometimes you may even do this on purpose, to keep from having to make a decision. However, […]