I stand up for myself in all circumstances.

Although there are many people who stand up for me, I am my main advocate. I treat myself with respect because I am worth fighting for.

Each time I stand up for myself, it becomes a little bit easier. By being assertive, I am able to build meaningful relationships.

As I meet life’s challenges, I speak up for my rights and for the rights of others. I know that the best way to deal with conflict is a head-on approach. I make certain that others are aware of my boundaries. Even though I speak up, I lead a peaceful life.

The more assertive I am, the more others respect me. Because I speak calmly with others, my assertiveness is rarely confused with aggressiveness. My confident tone reflects that I am a strong, self-assured individual.

Life’s challenges come and go, but my self-confidence is consistent.

My assertiveness springs from my steadfast self-worth. I can easily recall many past successes when I need a boost.

My integrity grows stronger with each passing day. I know that I must honor myself if I am to be a good friend to others. Each day I build stronger relationships with those I love because of my assertive nature.

Today, I choose to love myself as much as I love others. I give myself permission to disagree with others in a respectful way. I speak up when others cross the line because I am committed to being my own advocate.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How does holding my tongue really help in tough situations?
2. When people take advantage of me, how do I respond?
3. What can I do to practice assertiveness?