My assertive attitude opens doors for me

My assertive attitude opens doors for me.

Opportunities are appearing right before my eyes, even in the least likely places. Doors are opening for me to realize the dreams I have dared to imagine. I am taking steps of faith, confidently knowing that I have what it takes to make things happen.

While others look for reasons why something cannot happen, I try different solutions until I find one that works. I refuse to take “no” for an answer when there are alternatives left to be explored. My assertive attitude shines brightly even in the midst of negativity and discouragement.

People love to have me on their team because I bring a fresh perspective to situations that seem to have hit a dead end. In my eyes, walls exist only to help me exercise by climbing over them. These challenges bring me excitement and joy.

I rid myself of fear because it can lead to stagnation through inaction. Instead, I arm myself with courage to explore something new. I cultivate confidence that things will work out in my favor.

I walk into situations believing I am the one who can make a difference. I carry myself as one who understands my purpose, value, and responsibility. Because I radiate this mindset, others believe in my talents as well.

Today, I choose to walk with my head held high because I know I am valuable. By accepting my own worth, I enable those around me to see it as well and this opens many doors of opportunity for me.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What do I have to offer?
  2. Why should others get to know me?
  3. How can I use my assertiveness to benefit my current circumstances?