Coaching and Mentoring your staff





This workshop focuses on how to better coach your employees to a higher performance. Coaching is a process of relationship building and setting goals. How well you coach relates directly to how well you are able to foster a great working relationship with your employees through understanding them and strategic goal setting. An easy-to-understand coaching model taught in this workshop will guide you through the coaching process.
Prepare yourself to change a few things about yourself in order to coach your employees to better a performance.

Designed for

This course is not just for supervisors, managers and leaders. Coaching is an important part of managing your team and your leadership. This course is designed for:
– Managers and team leads
– Those who want to understand how to coach staff to be better leaders.
– Those who manage a mixed set of team skills.

Learning Objectives

– Define coaching, mentoring and the GROW model.
– Identify and set appropriate goals using the SMART technique of goal setting.
– Identify the steps necessary in defining the current state of reality of your employee’s situation.
– Identify the steps in developing a finalized plan or wrapping it up and getting your employee motivated to accomplish those plans.
– Handle objections
– Identify the benefits of building and fostering trust with your employee.
– Identify and overcoming common obstacles
– Identify the steps in giving effective feedback while maintaining trust.
– Identify when the coaching is at an end and transitioning your employee to other growth opportunities.
– Identify the difference between mentoring and coaching.

Getting Started

Just to make sure the experience is as smooth as possible we’d like to suggest a couple of things you may or will need to get on with the course:
– While we are happy for anyone to enrol in the course, we suggest that you should be at least managing/leading a team (big or small) or preparing for a role that requires your leadership skills
– Internet connection is a big must
– Readiness to learn, remember this is about you and so you need to be ready to take time to yourself and motivate yourself
– Maybe something to write some notes down or ideas, but don’t worry the course documents can be downloaded at the end of the course for you to review and use at any time

Have fun!