Customer Service


Original price was: $150.00.Current price is: $79.00.




Each and every one of us serves customers, whether we realize it or not. From the front-lines of a company, to serving the people who buy your products and dealing with clients. This workshop will look at all types of customers and how we can serve them better and improve ourselves and our service to them.

Designed for

Al staff levels from back office to front office.
– Customer services includes those internal to your company (service to others) and those external (public that generates your business) .
– Those wanting to develop great customer service skills.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this workshop, you should be able to:
– State what customer service means in relation to all your customers, both internal and external.
– Recognize how attitude affects customer service.
– Identify the customers’ needs.
– Use outstanding customer service to generate return business.
– Build good will through in-person customer service.
– Provide outstanding customer service over the phone.
– Connect with customers through online tools .
– Deal with difficult customers.

Getting Started
Just to make sure the experience is as smooth as possible we’d like to suggest a couple of things you may or will need to get on with the course:
– While we are happy for anyone to enrol in the course, we suggest that you should be at least managing/leading a team (big or small) or preparing for a role that requires your leadership skills
– Internet connection is a big must
– Readiness to learn, remember this is about you and so you need to be ready to take time to yourself and motivate yourself
– Maybe something to write some notes down or ideas, but don’t worry the course documents can be downloaded at the end of the course for you to review and use at any time

Have fun!