Generation Gaps



The workplace can present challenges to management in terms of handling the different generations present. This course outlines all areas of dealing with Generation Gaps

Associated Courses


While having various cultures in one workplace can present communication problems and conflicts, the benefits of such a variety in the workplace outweigh it. The workplace can present challenges to management in terms of handling the different generations present. As older workers delay retiring and younger workers are entering the workforce, the work environment has become a patchwork of varying perspectives and experiences, all valuable to say the least. The Generation Gaps workshop will help participants understand the various generations present at work, and understand what motivates them and dealing with them on a daily basis. Both the young and the older worker will have many ideas to offer, which will help the organization thrive in the marketplace.


Designed for:

Managers, Supervisors and leaders managing across various levels of staff and/or across generations

Companies and Teams with multi-generational staff


Learning Objectives

By the end of this workshop, you should be able to:

The history of generation gaps.

What are traditionalists?

What are baby boomers?

What are Generation Xers?

What are Generation Yers?

Differences between each type of generation.

Finding common ground among the generations.

Conflict management.

Leveraging the benefits of generation gaps at work.


Getting Started

Just to make sure the experience is as smooth as possible we’d like to suggest a couple of things you may or will need to get on with the course:

While we are happy for anyone to enroll in the course, we suggest that you should be at least managing/leading a team (big or small) or preparing for a role that requires your leadership skills

Internet connection is a big must

Readiness to learn, remember this is about you and so you need to be ready to take time to yourself and motivate yourself

Maybe something to write some notes down or ideas, but don’t worry the course documents can be downloaded at the end of the course for you to review and use at any time

Have fun!


The Course Outline

 History of Generations

What’s in it for me: This section covers the various generations that exist in the workplace, what defines a generation and what this means in a workplace.

Videos: 6               Self Assessment: 3            Checklist: 1          Exercise: 1


 What is a Traditionalist?

What’s in it for me: Learn about the backgrounds of the Traditionalist generation, their character and their working style.

Videos: 1               Self Assessment: 0            Checklist: 0          Exercise: 1


 What is a Baby Boomer? 

What’s in it for me: Learn about the Baby Boomer background, their character and their working style.

Videos: 16               Self Assessment: 4            Checklist: 1          Exercise: 1


 What is a Generation X? 

What’s in it for me: Learn about GenX’s background, their character and their working style.

Videos: 16               Self Assessment: 4            Check list: 1          Exercise: 1


 What is a Generation Y? 

What’s in it for me: Learn about GenYs background, their character and their working style.

Videos: 16               Self Assessment: 4            Checklist: 1          Exercise: 1



What’s in it for me: We discuss the differentiation between the background, attitude, working style and life experience of each of the generations.

Videos: 16               Self Assessment: 4            Checklist: 1          Exercise: 1


 Finding Common Ground 

What’s in it for me: Communication across generations is the key to success. Learn how to adopt a communication style, by creating an affinity group and sharing knowledge.

Videos: 16               Self Assessment: 4            Checklist: 1          Exercise: 1


 Conflict Management (I) 

What’s in it for me: We discuss how a younger boss can manage older workers. Learn about how to avoid turnovers with a retention plan and how to break down the stereotypes.

Videos: 16               Self Assessment: 4            Check list: 1          Exercise: 1


 Conflict Management (II) 

What’s in it for me: Embrace the hot zone and learn to treat each other as a peer. Create a succession plan for generational teams.

Videos: 16               Self Assessment: 4            Check list: 1          Exercise: 1


 The Power of 4

What’s in it for me: We discuss the benefits of generation gaps. How to learn from each other and embracing the unfamiliar.

Videos: 1               Self Assessment: 0            Check list: 1          Exercise: 0


 Closing up the course

What’s in it for me: You’ve done it, well done! But don’t stop here. Let’s summarize all you have learnt and remember knowledge is no good kept in a cupboard. Implement what you have learnt, try the tools and see the outcome until you find a combination that works for you! Congratulations we know you got what it takes to make a great leader!

Case Study: 1              Review Questions:1