Women in Leadership

Associated Courses



In the west today, women make up half of the workforce. Unfortunately, the common trend has been that, for women, their male colleagues are promoted at a much higher rate. Women offer great work ethics and bring something different from men to the workforce, but many times it goes unnoticed. In this workshop, you will learn about how organizations can develop women leaders, about the benefits of women in organizations, as well as advancements for the future of women. You will learn how women in the workplace cannot only benefit the women themselves, but also the organization they work for.

With the Women in Leadership workshop, your participants will learn how women are changing the workforce. They will gain a new perspective on the workforce, and what benefits can come from hiring and promoting women to higher positions.

Designed for

This course is designed for:
– Those working in either very male or very female-oriented organizations
– Individuals looking to grow their careers in non-female industries.
– Early to mid-level female professionals.

Learning Objectives

In this course you will learn to:
– Discuss the leadership gap between men and women leadership.
– Learn about women in various powerful positions.
– Discuss different traits associated with women in management.
– Understand the different barriers facing women in leadership positions.
– Learn about the benefits of having women in the workforce.
– Learn the key skills to be recognized as a manager & leader when faced with bias and challenging male perceptions.

Getting Started

Just to make sure the experience is as smooth as possible we’d like to suggest a couple of things you may or will need to get on with the course:
– While we are happy for anyone to enrol in the course, we suggest that you should be at least managing/leading a team (big or small) or preparing for a role that requires your leadership skills
– Internet connection is a big must
– Readiness to learn, remember this is about you and so you need to be ready to take time to yourself and motivate yourself
– Maybe something to write some notes down or ideas, but don’t worry the course documents can be downloaded at the end of the course for you to review and use at any time

Have fun!