Unsure About Your Career Choice? 3 Ways to Know You’re on the Right Track

Deciding on a career can sometimes be difficult. After spending a few years studying in a particular field, one would think that your career choice is obvious. Sometimes, though, uncertainty looms because you aren’t fully connected to the field.

Have you chosen a certain career direction because your parents want you to do it? Keep in mind that your ideal career should be something that still gives you joy ten years down the line.

Use this guide to figure out if you’re on the right career path:

1. You have an innate skill set. Some individuals are just more naturally aligned with certain careers than others. Is that the case with you and your career choice?

* Think back to your childhood. Is your work related to something that you had a knack for growing up? Did related activities interest you? If yes, you’re probably on the right track.

* How easy is it for you to understand the field’s complex concepts? If you find yourself breezing through things that others find difficult, you likely have the natural ability for it.

* Do you feel “at home” finding solutions to challenges in your field? If so, it likely means that you’re doing what you’re meant to be doing.

2. Your eyes light up when working. On the flip side of having natural abilities is the concept of being passionate. You’re probably good at many things, but which ones are you passionate about?

* If your eyes light up, it represents excitement about doing something that aligns with your soul. You can put it right up there with sharing special moments with beloved family members.

* Are there times when hours pass by without you even realizing it? Being so engrossed in your work that very little else matters usually means that you love what you’re doing!

* Once you find yourself talking about your career to family, friends, and even strangers, you’re likely in the career of your dreams! Is your career constantly on the forefront of your mind?

3. Your earning power is irrelevant. Careers that cater to the passionate side are usually fulfilling all on their own. There’s a pride you get from producing something good, regardless of what your paycheck looks like.

* When you’re doing something you love, you spend your time ensuring you do it well. The financial benefit that comes along with work is important, but it’s definitely secondary to doing something you love!

* Have you ever found that bonuses on the job feel less exciting to you than to your co-workers? It’s probably because the income plays second fiddle in your life.

* Strangely enough, working in a fulfilling career negates the desire to seek material fulfillment elsewhere. You may even find that your earnings pile up because you really don’t have the desire to spend it!

The formula for assessing career suitability is really easy. For the most part, it just requires a little introspection. Give thought to what matters most to you. If, after defining those things, your career comes out on top, you’re on the right track.

Take the time to listen to your heart as you choose your life’s work. Be thoughtful when it comes to determining your ideal career path.